We are glad to participate on the New York City Anarchist Virtual Bookfair this 2020 with the talk title «Anarchist movement and political climate in Buenos Aires (2017-2020)» On Saturday 26, 14:00-15:15 NYC time (15-16:15hs buenos aires).
We will be talking about the last years of anarchist movement in the city from our perspective dedicated to informal anarchism and the vindication of anarchy as an «offensive» movement, like the now classic text «AI Ferri Corti» says «Revolt needs everything: Papers and books, arms and explosives, reflection and swearing, poison, daggers and arson. The only interesting question is how to combine them. »
We’ll make a review from the last years, especially dedicates to the disappearance and murder of Santiago Maldonado on August 1th 2017, the response of anarchists, and the later repressión of Argentinian state, trying to make some reflexions on revolt, security, affinity groups and solidarity.
Hope to see you there ♥
Here some videos from August 2017 with English subtitles so you can have a bit information before the talk: